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BLOG Promotion

One of our Ala Carte services is Blog Posting.

Let's say you have already optimized website but you want to improve rankings on a list of keyword phrases that are so important to you.

The process of improving your search engine ranking will look as follows:

1. Keyword select list preparation.

2. Blog Post writing about specific product or service you would like to promote on your website, with keyword reach content (using your keyword targeted list).

3. Blog Posting. Please note that the same 1 post will be modified for each individual Blog in order to obey search engine No-Duplicate rules.

4. Only one Blog Posting per month is allowed, from each blog that we work with, to each client’s website.

5. Each Blog Posting is a minimum of 100 words.

It should take approximately 4 - 6 weeks of when the new blog postings are linked to your website, you will see an increase in the rankings.

In addition, the search engines will give an additional ranking value to old blog postings that have matured. So the true rankings will not show up until about the fifth-sixth month. After that, to maintain and improve the rankings, it is important to continue to add additional blog posting each month. In cases where the keywords are extremely competitive or when the website is brand-new, it may take more than six months to achieve high rankings.


$45.00 - One Blog Posting

$35.00 (per Post) - two and more Blog Postings

*The price does not include Blog writing

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